April 26th, my mom’s birthday. If she were here to celebrate another one, she’d be 64. Every year she would call me up, thinking I forgot her birthday. She thought everyone forgot her birthday. She claimed it was because mother’s day, her birthday and her wedding anniversary ended up being within 2 weeks of each other.

I’ve been trying to re-do the video of our Cross Country trip from NJ to Montana that I put together in 2007 for many hours and the photos I imported to my new Apple Macbook are all out of order – so I’m just going to share the long version with the song, AMERICA by Simon & Garfunkel that is the intro to the video. I want to do a montage of images so perhaps when I can get my old photos to talk to my new computer, then we can have a different result.


Happy Birthday, mama. I am missing you. Send me a sign!
