Exciting news! My sketchbook “The Last Words Ever Spoken”, inspired by the death of my parents, is available in several different formats for the first time ever! In honor of cyber Monday, there are PDF versions available for 50% off TODAY ONLY on my website with promo code cyber.

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Includes the new “The Last Words Ever Spoken” downloadable books!

Download “The Last Words Ever Spoken” a digital book by Lisa A. Snyder Today

19 Pages, PDF
Available in web and print friendly versions. See inside the book

This is a digital book that inspire you to think outside the box. Inspired by the death of both her parents during her 20’s, this book is dedicated to:

“… unborn children, those who have had pain, those who have lost a parent or two, this book’s for you. Dear you, who wants to rise above. Who wants to learn from your life experiences. Who wants to live another day and live it in joy. This book’s for you. Dear those who wonder what comes after this life. Who has ever wondered what kind of things my parents told me before they died or what the last words they ever spoke were, this book is for you. Dear me, These have been great life lessons. Here’s the many more xo Lisa”

CYBER MONDAY – use promocode cyber to save 50%!

Buy Print Friendly PDF $9.99
Buy Web Friendly PDF $7.99



See Lisa’s Sketchbook on exhibit at the Brooklyn Art Library



Shipping December 7, 2012:

Lisa’s work will be available in the 2012 Sketchbook Project Limited Edition Book, Vol 5, Why Did the Owl Make Everyone Laugh and The Last Word Ever Spoken.

All money goes directly to the Brooklyn Art Library.

CYBER MONDAY – use promocode JINGLEBOOKS during checkout to save 20%

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