It’s Monday. I’m looking through my emails from the weekend and low and behold the mother’s day ads are starting to appear. Apple says “Make her mother’s day” with an iPad mini. Barnes & Nobel says, “Gifts Mom will Love” with a bunch of various books, dvds, and the like. Well, not to be negative or anything, but my mom’s not going to love any of these gifts… because she’s not physically here…

SO! What does that mean exactly? It means I better start preparing myself for the social bombardment of all the mother’s day stuff… ads on TV, the radio, in my EMAIL BOX! They are all over and completely unavoidable.

Mother’s day this year is Sunday, May 12. This gives you plenty of time to help yourself prepare for this day and all the days leading up. I suggest starting to make a list of positive things you could do to help yourself because this day and the days leading up to it are a constant reminder of what you don’t have. So you may want to start by focusing your energy or a part of your energy in the mindset of being thankful for what you do have. In your life. Right now. Easier said that done, I know.

In the meantime, you can push DELETE on those email ads and turn the radio down or off and change the channel… You won’t be able to delete the day or turn the day down or change the channel on mother’s day so… let’s start thinking about how we can help ourselves during this time.

Lookout for a series I am planning to write for on Mother’s Day Prep 2013.