I sold my second painting at Trenton’s Art All Night, presented by ArtWorks! I also bought the most amazing painting, helping to make the circle of give and receive continue. I plan to write a separate post about that experience.
My painting history
When my mom was diagnosed with Leukemia in October 2008, I started to use paint to express my grief. Although I went to Art School, I had never really let myself indulge in paints and canvases (with the exception of one time in drawing class, we were given a large sheet of paper (about 3 feet x 2 feet), black and white paint, 5 hours and all the teacher said was ,”GO!”). I finished the painting just before my mom died in June 2009 and painted here and there after that, but not very much.
In June 2010, I submitted that painting I started when my mom was diagnosed to Trenton’s Art All Night. It ended up selling to Michelle Knapik, the Environmental Program Director for the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, even though I had submitted it very last minute and it had been placed in the darkest lit corner of the entire Roebling Building. She wrote a blog about her experience last year on the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Blog called Art All Night Artists: A Collection of Fate & Firsts. Michelle Knapik changed my life. She changed the way I see my own art by valuing what I had made. This made me want to paint even more.
First Painting Sold – “AML JOURNEY”

"AML JOURNEY" Michelle Knapik & Lisa A. Snyder at Trenton's Art All Night, 2010
Second Painting Sold – “SOMEWHERE OUT THERE”
Inspired by Michelle’s purchase of my painting and support of my work, I began to really allow myself to paint more and more. Instead of once or twice a year, I began to paint once or twice a month. Friends began to want to come over to our house on ARTIST DATES where we paint, listen to music and chat about life.
Catherine gave me a canvas for Christmas 2010. It sat in my art room for a while and I thought that Art All Night would be a great inspiration to use that very canvas. I usually paint in color, but a day filled with missed connections I started to paint in black and white only.
The Piece
Meeting The Buyer
At Art All Night, you get to meet the person who bought your piece. I have been lucky to sell a piece each year and be able to meet the person who was interested in the artwork. His name was Joe and he was a very nice guy. He also purchased another piece by a fellow artist (as you can see in the photo on the left).
I donated a portion of the proceeds from the sale of my piece back to ArtWorks Trenton & another portion of the proceeds will be donated to the organization I wrote about here on my blog, Ashinaga, which provides educational and emotional resources to orphans around the world, including those effected by the tsunami in Japan.
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