Today, you’d be 63. I imagine what you’d look like… or what kind of relationship we’d have… What kind of questions I’d ask you about maybe buying a home sometime or how to fix something and how you’d answer. What kind of life advice you’d give me with or without asking for it. What kind of wisdom you’d have to offer. What kind of things we could do together or where we could travel to… what kind of new experiences we’d have together.
I wonder how you’d be spending your time… if you’d be thinking from retiring from CBS or if you’d be working there for years to come.
I was totally fine before I wrote this post, and I now have a lump in my chest just thinking about it, and how these things will never happen the way I dreamed them to be. I wish you knew me as an adult, dad. I turned out pretty cool!
It pains me that I do not have you in the physical form, so I ask you to communicate with me in the spiritual form… I’m open to it. Let’s work it out.
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