As luck would have it, Blog Talk Radio would not let me do a second (emergency) show this week so instead, I’m sharing a video and some resources with you so you can help yourself this weekend.

Some basic guidelines of self care this weekend as you move yourself through a day that’s dedicated to your dad.

  1. move your body
  2. drink water
  3. eat meals that nourish you
  4. spend time in places that nourish you

And if you feel like it:

  • Tell stories about your dad to others that knew him.
  • Write your feelings down during the day.
  • Balance alone time and time with others.

What do these things look like for you?


Here is a list of other blog posts I have written about Father’s Day.

Who’s Your Hero When You Don’t Have a Dad?

“Father’s What?”

When you’re lonely, here’s a few tips to help you get through Father’s Day without a Father

Father’s Day Prep – What do you do for father’s day when you don’t have a dad?


Additional Resources

ALSO – feel free to write me anytime. I’m here for you.


Sending you love and strength,

