I just finished 4 years of cleanup of my parents belongings on the day my dad died (Oct 14th, which was Monday). It was a very, very intense experience. The basement I cleaned up was stacked to the ceiling with boxes from the past. It was a dirty job and I’ve had friends help me along the way, which I am ever so thankful for. This was the last of 4 major rooms that were also stacked to the ceiling with boxes. My dad has been gone for 9 years and I can’t believe I did this on the day he died. I finished this. It was so symbolic and so hard and so perfect at the same time.
The 15th was my 32nd birthday, and I attended a much needed spiritual retreat to help myself cope with the cleanup and yesterday was spent traveling. It was the hardest and best birthday of my entire life for so many reasons.
Now that I’m back from this very intense experience, I can re-focus on sharing this video (and the ones that came before and will come after this one) and all information I have gathered over this time with those who need it!
Thank you to Christina Rasmussen for inviting me to be a part of her “30 Days of Hope” project. I am honored to be a part of this and to share my knowledge and understanding on how one can truly move forward after the death of their parents, at any age.
“Imagine suddenly losing both of your parents – within five years of each other. That’s exactly what happened to Lisa Snyder when she was only in her 20s. Her story of coming back to life without the love and support of her mother and father is nothing short of amazing. Follow the link below to hear her story.”
30 Days of Hope is produced by Christina Rasmussen the founder and author of Second Firsts: Live, Laugh and Love Again. A book about starting over after loss. You can pre-order her book, here.
Those who are looking for advice on how to move forward in life and get back to happy after the loss of your parent or both parents, please feel free to email me anytime.
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