I wrote about Byron Katie yesterday. She has a process about thoughts called “The Work”. It’s an amazing process of moving forward beyond stories and thoughts we believe. Learn a little bit about Byron Katie and her process.


What is the Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet?

I was listening to Byron Katie live yesterday and she was going over this Judge Your Neighbor worksheet. Here’s what this is:

For thousands of years we’ve been told not to judge—but let’s face it, we do it all the time. The truth is that we all have judgments running in our heads, sometimes very stressful ones. Through The Work we finally have permission to allow those judgments to speak out on paper. We may find that even the most unpleasant thoughts can be met with unconditional love and understanding. They may even be the catalyst for enlightenment.

Each of the videos (view videos here) show Katie describing, in detail, how to fill out a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet, a fillable and printable form (Firefox users, download PDF to fill in). View one or all of them, and fill out your own Worksheet as you watch.

Download the worksheet, here.

Want to give it a try? Download the worksheet and pick one moment in your life that you want to work on. Parents, no parents, sister, brother – make an internal change. Change your mind, change your life.

I encourage you to visit this resource: TheWork.com