Do you have a tattoo to remember your mom or dad?

mom-tattoo-9-650x650I am working on a book project and am looking to collect stories and images of people from across the world who have a tattoo that reminds them of their mom or dad.

These submissions would ideally have:

  • A self portrait image of you with your tattoo visible
  • A close up of your tattoo
  • The story of why this particular tattoo is important to you – can be written, audio or video submission.

If you have more than 1 tattoo that reminds you of your mom or dad, you can submit more than once.

Submission Deadline:

December 31, 2016

Technical Guidelines

Please send the highest quality/largest size image possible.

  • To be considered for the book cover: Photos must at least 2550 pixels wide x 3300 pixels high.
  • Other photos for print publication should be a MINIMUM of 1800 pixels x 1200 pixels.
  • Largest possible file sizes are always recommended to produce the best results.

TIP: Not sure how big your photo is? On your PC, right click on the photo icon. Select ‘properties’ from the menu, and click the ‘summary’ tab. On a Mac, right click on the image and then go to ‘get info’

  • We recommend using a 5 megapixel digital camera or better and use the highest quality setting when you shoot. If you use a camera phone, please change the camera settings to the highest possible quality setting and export the image off your phone at full size.
  • Please do not distort the image by applying photo filters or effects.
  • Do not attempt to increase the size of an existing image using filters or software. This will not improve the quality or make it appropriate for printing.

Getting the perfect shot—picture taking do’s and don’ts

To avoid common practices that reduce photo quality:

Example of a good quality image
Check the focus! Is your camera focusing on the main subject of your image or somewhere else. Low light or movement can make photos blurry.


Example of a good quality image
Avoid taking photos with clothing or objects that have visible logos, cartoon or video characters, or inappropriate sayings on them.


Example of a good quality image
Avoid using your camera’s built in flash; it washes out the image and creates dark outlines and cast shadows. If your photo is too dark, try adding more light by opening blinds or moving closer to a window.


Example of a good quality image
Make sure your photos aren’t too dark. When taking pictures inside, raise shades or open curtains add bright, natural light to your photos.


Example of a good quality image
Consider your composition.
 Make sure the action is the focus of the image. Faces and images taken straight on (not above, looking down) are the most engaging.
Example of a good quality image
Avoid distracting or cluttered backgrounds.

Submitting Photographs


High-resolution images in JPEG, TIF, or EPS formats.

Sending photos

Send photos using the upload option below OR, if you are having trouble with the upload, you may use the dropbox link provided in the form below. Please name your files YourFirstNameYourLastName.jpg so they can be matched with your submissions.

Please send 3 things:

  1. A photo of you with the visible tattoo
  2. A close up of the tattoo
  3. Your story about your tattoo
You can submit more than one tattoo if you have more than one, but please fill out the form for each tattoo / story.

Photo license

People who submit and are approved to move to the next round will be asked to sign a Photograph License Agreement. This agreement verifies that you own the photos. It will allows me to use your photos in print and digital formats. No payment exchange will occur, but each person whose images are featured in the book will get a free copy of the book.  Further details will be sent to you if your photo and story are approved to go to the next round.

Please contact me if you are having trouble with your submission.

Tattoo Project

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, eps, tiff, tif, Max. file size: 8 MB.
      Please upload 1 picture of yourself with the tattoo and 1 close up of the tattoo. See technical guidelines above for requirements. They must be no more than 8MB each. Acceptable images are: jpg, gif, png, pdf, eps, tiff, tif. If you are having trouble uploading here, please use this drop box link instead.