TITLE Resources

Here are some additional grief resources I’ve hand selected that I find are helpful places worth checking out.


“The Last Words Ever Spoken” A free book for you. 19 Pages, PDF by Lisa A. Snyder
Enter your email to download

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle  more info

Do Dead People Watch You Shower?: And Other Questions You’ve Been All but Dying to Ask a Medium by Concetta Bertoldi

We Live Forever: The Real Truth about Death by P.M.H. Atwater
The Big Book of Near Death Experiences: The Ultimate Guide to What Happens When We Die by P.M.H. Atwater
Complete Idiot’s Guide to Near-Death Experiences by P.M.H. Atwater

After Life: Answers from the Other Side by John Edwards

Bittersweet Memories Cookbook created by Emily Israel Hoffman to memorialize loved one’s cuisine.

Parentless Parents: How the Loss of Our Mothers and Fathers Impacts the Way We Raise Our Children by Allison Gilbert



I’ve written/blogged for:

The Grief Toolbox A great resource for getting inspirational tools for your grief process. Read My Grief Toolbox Blog Posts


Other Websites & Blogs I support:

GriefPost.com – Grieving alone can be, well, a lonely feeling. That this site was created, so you can express yourself, day or night. No one will know who wrote it, and you’ll be able to get your feelings off your chest. You don’t need to sign up or register for anything. They don’t even need your email address. Express your feelings and thoughts on the website, here.

GoodTherapy.org  offers information to the general public about mental health issues and ethical therapy practices, and answers consumer questions about therapy. GoodTherapy.org also provides a searchable online directory of licensed mental health practitioners for people seeking therapy. To find a therapist in your area, please click here.

Mum’s Not Having Chemo Freelance journalist, Laura Bond, documents her Mom’s alternative cancer journey.

Allison Gilbert wrote a book called Parentless Parents. Although I am not a parent yet, I think this book is an important read for those who are.

Dear Dead Mother Rachel Stephenson talks about the danger of grieving in silence and the importance of talking openly about loss. She has lost both parents (her mom when she was 5 and her father in the last few years). Watch her TEDxCUNY talk, “Against Grieving in Silence”.

Christie Lynn’s Facebook Page A young woman who writes about losing her mom to cancer when she was 19.

A Modern Grief Observed Blog about the Grieving Process from the female perspective.

Grief Helps On this blog you’ll find a large assortment of grief helps: ideas and suggestions, words and images, mini-books and mini-videos. All of these are designed solely with grieving people in mind. And every resource offered  is absolutely free.

Good Grief Blog A scrapbooking journey through loss and healing. This blog is no longer maintained, but a great source of inspiration!

Navigating Cyber Loss – a site dedicated to helping people who are grieving the loss of online friends

I Did Not Know What To Say™  is a website created to inspire and provide you with tools to assist a love one through the grieving process.

Abuse & Life After This is an incredibly powerful and vulnerable blog written by a friend of mine who lost her mother to cancer and survived sexual and emotional and abuse for 20+ years by her biological father (who she no longer speaks to). She talks openly and honestly about how she’s moving forward in her life and helps support others.


Artistic Resources

Buy a journal


Therapists and Grief Worker Info

Susan Menahem @ IPG  (can work over the internet, in Freehold, NJ and Highland Park, NJ) Please mention Lisa Snyder as your referral!

GoodTherapy.org – Find a therapist, nationwide

Psychology Today Therapist Search – Find a therapist, nationwide

David Hill – Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and New Advanced Age Regression Works in person in Salt Lake Utah, by phone or skype. Live FREE conference call Sundays at 7AM MTN USA for releasing feelings at (209) 647-1600 pin 709895

Masters in Counseling.org  is an informational tool for students who may want to enroll in an online program to obtain a master’s degree in counseling.


Tributes & Memories

BeautifulTribute.com – totally free place to have a beautiful online memorial for your loved one.

The Living Urn


Grief Groups

Find out more about upcoming online grief groups and workshops that I’m leading, here.

The Compassionate Friends (www.compassionatefriends.org) is a national, non-profit network for bereaved parents and siblings.
The National Alliance for Grieving Children (www.nationalallianceforgrievingchildren.org) offers a center locator which can connect families with support in their community
Twinless Twins (www.twinlesstwins.org) provides support for twins and other multiples who have lost their birth partners due to death or other estrangement at any age.
AARP (www.aarp.org/family/lifeafterloss)
Men’s Bereavement Network (www.mensbereavement.org) serve surviving spouses
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (www.afsp.org)
The Association for Death Education and Counseling (www.adec.org) has a searchable database of thanatologists, that is, counselors who are trained to work with the dying and bereaved.

Grief Share (www.GriefShare.org) – Christian Grief Group (open to all, though) 13 week programs held all over the US. Here are the topics they cover.


While grief experts have mixed opinions about online support groups replacing face-to-face interaction, most agree that they can be a valuable tool if carefully monitored by professional counselors.

GriefNet (www.griefnet.org) Online grief support network can be found for adults
KidsAid.com (www.kidsaid.com) – Online grief support network for children
Grieving.com  (www.Grieving.com)


Words of Wisdom

How to Express Your Condolences For a Loved One

Safety Guide for Parents Who Use Electronic Cigarettes